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Our Oreo Bliss Shots is the ultimate treat that is topped with a twist of sophistication - an Absolute Vodka miniature perched on its peak. This miniature not only adds a touch of elegance but also infuses a subtle hint of premium vodka essence into every bite, elevating your dessert experience to new heights. Whether you are celebrating a special occasion or simply indulging in a moment of luxury then our Oreo Cake with an Absolute Vodka miniature on top promises an unforgettable sensory journey that combines the classic charm of Oreos with the sophisticated allure of premium spirits. Treat yourself and your loved ones to this exquisite fusion of flavors and make every moment a celebration to remember.



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Our Oreo Bliss Shots is the ultimate treat that is topped with a twist of sophistication - an Absolute Vodka miniature perched on its peak. This miniature not only adds a touch of elegance but also infuses a subtle hint of premium vodka essence into every bite, elevating your dessert experience to new heights. Whether you are celebrating a special occasion or simply indulging in a moment of luxury then our Oreo Cake with an Absolute Vodka miniature on top promises an unforgettable sensory journey that combines the classic charm of Oreos with the sophisticated allure of premium spirits. Treat yourself and your loved ones to this exquisite fusion of flavors and make every moment a celebration to remember.
Free Shipping available across India. Please Note: If you prefer a non-alcoholic option or have specific preferences for the miniature then we can customize it as per your choice. Additionally, please be aware that charges may vary based on the customization requested.