Sending a stunning bouquet of 20 mixed roses to your loved ones as a surprise is one of the most beautiful ways to express your emotions. Each rose carries its own meaning and when they combined together, they create a heartfelt gesture that makes any special occasion even more memorable. This stunning basket arrangement features 20 handpicked roses in a lovely mix of red, pink, yellow, and white. The bold red roses stands for deep love and admiration, while the soft pink roses convey a sense of sweetness and thankfulness. The bright yellow roses represent friendship and joy, making them perfect for spreading happiness. Finally, the pure white roses which symbolize peace, purity, and new beginnings, complete the beautiful look. Also, the bouquet is enhanced with lush green leaves that offers a fresh and natural look. Order Flower Basket Arrangement now to send a beautiful message of love, joy, and appreciation with this delightful mixed roses.